Key Deliverables Baseline Taget
2011 December 2012 December
% Population with Internet Access 29% 34.40%
Cost of Broadband Access (per 1Mbps/Annum) $150 $135
Speed of Broadband (Mb/Sec) 1.0Mbps 1.8Mbps
Number of Fixws Wire/Wireless Lines Users N/A 1.5M
Number of Internet Users 43.5M 51.6M
Number of Public Access Venues (PAVs) 2218 3018
Extent of coverage and ICT Rurial infrastructure 15% 20%
% Contribution of ICT sector to GDP 5.67% 5.58%
% of Domestic Value Added N/A 20%
Number of ICT Incubation Centres 0 2
MANDATE: To fully integrate Information and Communication Technologies into the Socio-economic development and transformation of Nigeria into a knowledge based economy
Key Deliverables Baseline Target Actual Achievement Status Remark
2011 December 2012 December 2012 December
Increased Access to ICT Services
% Teledensity 68.49% 74.11%     Teledensity is expected to be a measure of total access. Thus, should not be broken into fixed and mobile lines.
% Population with Internet Access 3.6% 3.6%     No growth expected due to challenges being faced by the CDMA and GSM operators
% Access of Rural Population 1.5% 1.65%    
Cost of Broadband Access (per 1Mbps/Annum) N/A N/A     N/A
Speed of Broadband (Mb/Sec) N/A N/A     N/A
Number of GSM Users in the country 90.57M 99.6M      
Number of CDMA Users in the country 4.60M 3.4M     This sub-sector is facing serious challenges
Number of Fixed Wire/Wireless Lines Users 719,406 445,000     Same as above
Number of Internet Users N/A N/A     N/A
Number of Public Access Venues (PAVs) N/A N/A     N/A
Extent of coverage and ICT Rural infrastructure 15% 20%    
% Contribution of ICT Sector to GDP 5.6% 5.58%      
% of Domestic Value Added N/A N/A      
Number of ICT Incubation Centres N/A N/A      
Venture Capital Available to ICT N/A N/A      
Average Size (Turn/Over) of ICT Companies N/A N/A     The figure is for Telecom sector only.
Number of Employees in the ICt Sector 90.57M 99.6M      
Provision of Policy, Regulatory and Administrative Services
Number of Policy initiatives implemented 4 6     These are on-going initiatives to last beyond 2012 before completion. They include QoS improvement, SIM card Registration, Number Portability, Broad band, ECC & ICT Training (ADAPTI) initiatives
Number of Stakeholders engagement conducted 20 20      
Number of M&E Report produced and disseminated N/A N/A      
Number of Staff trained 400 460      
Value of Donor funding generated (n) N/A N/A      
Value of funding generated from PPP (N) N/A N/A      
Value of internally generated revenue (N) N37.8b N41.6b      
No of jobs created N/A N/A