Economy | Organization & Website | Note |
Algeria | Autorité de Régulation de la Poste et des Télécommunications (ARPT) | Click on "Observatoires" |
Angola | INACOM | Click on "INACOM Informação", then on "Estatística do Serviço Público de Telefonia Fixa e Movel" |
Argentina | CNC | |
Australia | Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) | |
Azerbaijan | Ministry of Communication and Information Technologies | On the right menu, click on "Statistics" |
Bahrain | Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) | Click on "Market Information" |
Bangladesh | Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission | |
Belarus | Ministry of Communications and Information | Available in Russian only. |
Belgium | IBPT | |
Benin | ATRPT | Click on "Observatoire" |
Bhutan | Bhutan InfoComm and Media Authority | On top menu click on "Telecomm", then on "Statistics" |
Brazil | Anatel | |
MC | Click on "Telecomunicações", then on "Evolução" | |
Bulgaria | CRC | Annual reports |
Canada | Statistics Canada | Information and communications technology |
CRTC | ||
Chile | Subtel | Click on "Estudios y Estadísticas" |
Colombia | Ministerio de Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones | Click on "Cifras" |
Côte d'Ivoire | ATCI | Click on "Observatoires" |
Costa Rica | ARESEP | |
Curacao | BT&P | |
Cyprus | OCECPR | |
Denmark | National IT and Telecom Agency | |
Djibouti | Ministère de la Communication et de la Culture, chargé des Postes et Télécommunications | Click on "Postes et télécom", then on "Observatoire des TICs" |
Dominican Republic | INDOTEL | |
Ecuador | Supertel | |
Conatel | On right menu, click on "Estadísticas" | |
Egypt | MCIT | |
National Telecommunication Regulatory Authority (NTRA) | Click on "Telecom Market" then on "Indicators" | |
Egypt ICT Indicators | ||
El Salvador | SIGET | Click on "Temas", on "Telecomunicaciones", on "Documentos" and then on "Estadísticas" |
Finland | ||
Finnish Communications Regulatory Authority | On right menu, click on "Market information" | |
France | ART | On left menu, click on "Observatoire" |
Gabon | ARTEL | Click on "Observatoire". |
Gambia | Public Utilities Regulatory Authority | |
Ghana | National Communications Authority | |
Greenland | Tele-Post | |
Guatemala | SIT | Click on "Telefonía" and see "Estadísticas" |
Honduras | Conatel | On left menu, click on "Información Regulatoria e Indicadores" |
Hong Kong, China | Office of the Telecommunications Authority (OFTA) | Click on "Facts & Statistics", then on "Data & Statistics" |
Hungary | National Communications Authority | Communications Statistical Database |
Iceland | PTA | On left menu, click on "Statistics" |
India | ||
Department of Telecommunications (DOT) | ||
Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) | On left menu, click on "Performance Indicators Report" | |
Indonesia | KOMINFO | |
Ireland | COMREG | |
Japan | Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications | |
Jordan | Telecommunications Regulatory Commission (TRC) | On left menu, click on "ICT & Postal Market", then on "Information and Communications Technology (TIC)" and on "Telecom Main Indicators" |
ICTInfo | For instructions about using the system please click here | |
Kenya | CCK | Click on "Publications and statistics" |
Korea (Rep.) | Korea Communications Commission (KCC) | Click on "Policy Information", then "Resources" and then "Statistical data" |
Lebanon | Lebanon Telecommunications Regulatory Authority | Click on "Market Data" |
Lithuania | RRT | On left menu, click on "Reviews and Reports" and then "Reports on the electronic communications sector" |
Macau, China | Office for the Development of Telecommunications and Information Technologies (GDTTI) | Click on "Telecom Facts" |
Malaysia | Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) | Click on "Facts&Figures" and then on "Statistics&Record" |
Malta | Malta Communications Authority (MCA) | |
Mauritius | National Computer Board | Mauritius ICT Indicators Portal |
Mexico | CFT | Click on "Estadísticas" |
Inegi | ||
Moldova | ANRTI | On left menu, click on "Statistical Data" |
Morocco | Agence Nationale de Réglementation des Télécommunications (ANRT) | On left menu, click on "Observatoires" |
Nepal | Nepal Telecommunications Authority | Click on "Documents", and then on "Indicator Archives" |
Netherlands | OPTA | Click on "All publications" |
Nicaragua | Telcor | On right menu, click on "Estadísticas" |
Niger | ARM | Click on "Les publications" |
Nigeria | NCC | Click on "Industry Statistics" |
Norway | NPTA | |
Oman | Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) | |
Panama | Autoridad Nacional de los Servicios Públicos (ASEP) | Click on "Estadísticas" and then on "Telecomunicaciones" |
Paraguay | Conatel | |
Peru | OSIPTEL | Click on "Estadísticas" |
Portugal | ICP | Click on "Estatísticas" |
Pakistan | Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) | On left menu, click on "Industry support", then on "Industry Report" and on "Telecom Indicators" |
Philippines | National Telecommunications Commission (NTC) | Click on "Reports" and then on "Data&Statistics" |
Qatar | Supreme Council of Information and Communication Technology (ICT Qatar) | Click on "Regulation/Service Provider/About Regulatory Authority" and then "Market Overview" |
Saudi Arabia | Communications and Information Technology Commission (CITC) | In English version, click on "ICT Market" and then on "Indicators" |
Senegal | ART | Click on "Observatoires des Télécoms" |
Singapore | Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) | On the right, click on "Facts & Figures" |
Sri Lanka | Telecommunications Regulatory Commission of Sri Lanka (TRCSL) | Click on "Information" and then on "Statistics" |
St. Marteen | BTP | |
Sweden | PTS | Click on "Market Information" |
Tanzania | TCRA | Click on "Publications and statistics" |
Thailand | National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission | |
Togo | ARTP | Under "Le secteur en chiffres", click on "Le secteur des télécoms"" |
Tunisia | Ministère de l'Industrie et de la Technologie | |
Turkey | TK | In Turkish version "Yayinlar". |
United Arab Emirates | Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) | On top menu, click on "ICT in the UAE" |
United Kingdom | Ofcom | Ofcom for Media and Analysts |
United States | FCC | |
CTIA | ||
Uruguay | URSEC | On left menu, click on "Información de Mercado" |
Venezuela | Conatel | Click on "Estadísticas" |
Viet Nam |
Vietnam Internet Network Information Center | On left menu, click on "Internet statistic" |
Ministry of Information and Communications | On left menu, click on "Statistics" |